Our upcoming Lunch & Learn will feature Stacey Gomez, Manager of No one is illegal – Nova Scotia’s Migrant Workers Program. Stacey co-founded and currently leads No one is illegal (NOII-NS), the first program of its kind in Nova Scotia which aims to inform, support and organize migrant farm and seafood workers throughout the province. NOII-NS is a member of the Migrant Rights Network, which brings together migrant-led organizations across the country to advocate for migrant rights.
Increasingly, the PEI economy is reliant on the labour of migrant workers in many sectors. Come learn about the challenges workers face and what we can do to include, support, and ensure they have access to basic human rights in our communities.

Hosted by the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women
Stacey Gomez
Manager of No one is illegal (NOII-NS)
Nova Scotia’s Migrant Workers Program
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
12:00 noon – 1:00pm (AST)
Online – Zoom
To Register email [email protected]