We are excited and delighted to be welcoming a new staffperson, to a new position at the Advisory Council. Trish Altass has been hired as permanent part-time Research Coordinator and we couldn’t be more thrilled with what she brings to staff and Council.

Trish Altass combines a strong background in qualitative and community-based research with first-hand experience in policy and legislation development. She holds a Master’s degree in Sociology with a focus on critical and feminist theories. Her research work has spanned areas of work and labour, education, and poverty elimination. She has experience working with stakeholders and grassroots organizations to develop research strategies that are inclusive and create safe spaces for collaborative engagement.

As a former member of the PEI Legislative Assembly, Trish advocated for positive social change and authored several motions and bills including pay transparency amendments that were a first in Canada. She also chaired the Special Committee on Poverty in PEI that put forward recommendations for a Basic Income Guarantee.

Trish lives in Summerside with her family and will be travelling into Charlottetown in her electric vehicle several times a week to work in the ACSW office. Trish’s experience and interests are going to be great assets to the Advisory Council and the community as a whole. A very warm welcome, Trish!