Today, January 23, 2025, is officially the 50th anniversary of the formation of the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women. Today, we are delighted to launch our anniversary year with a festive 50-year logo, created for us by Mag Lillo at Ruby Square Design. Look for this logo at events and on publications throughout our anniversary year.
And, since there are 50 weeks left this year, we will add a celebratory post here every week, today and the 49 weeks to come, to mark 50 ways to celebrate our anniversary.
Of historical interest for today: The PEI Advisory Council was formed as a minute-in-council on January 23, 1975. A copy of the Minute of the Executive Council of Prince Edward Island of the day is below:
Copy of a Minute of the Executive Council dated 23 January 1975
No. M10/75
Having under consideration Executive Council Memorandum# 75-23.2 of 23 January 1975 (a copy of which is attached to the file copy of this Minute) Council established the following Copy as Terms of Reference for the Advisory Council:
- To assist the Minister Responsible in the development of public awareness of issues affecting the status of women.
- To promote a change in attitudes within the community in order that women may enjoy an equality of opportunity.
- To encourage discussion and expression of opinion by Island residents on recommendations contained in the federal Royal Commission Report on the Status of Women and the Report of the Provincial Advisory Committee on the Status of Women.
- To advise the Minister with respect to matters relating to the status of women as the Minister Responsible may refer to the Advisory Council for its consideration or as the Advisory Council considers.
Certified a true copy,
Douglas Boylan, Clerk of Executive council