Starting last week, we are posting weekly in celebration of our 50th anniversary year. This idea jumps off Paul Simon’s song “Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover” which will be memorable to our more seasoned audience! We’ll share memories and significant activities about “Fifty Ways to Lead Equality” over the coming year.
On January 23 we were very pleased to welcome four new women from diverse lived experiences and from across PEI join our Council of nine members. It was also the first meeting of Hsiao-Yu Liu as Chairperson of Council. She was very skilled, kind, and focused in chairing the meeting. We are so fortunate to have her leading Council.
In addition to our regular Council meeting, we hosted past Council Chairpersons, Interministerial Women’s Secretariat staff, and current Council members and volunteers to look back at our history and forward to our hopes for the future. The memory circle was a poignant and powerful sharing of reflections on where we’ve been and where we’re going. Thank you sincerely, to everyone who contributed and made the day special.
Welcome to Council (left to right): Jenny MacDougall, Alexia Riche, Vanessa Sierra, and Tamara Alnsor.

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