Feb 9, 2021 | Did You Know?, News and Views
Friday, February 19, 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm This online (Zoom) lunch and learn will share wisdom from survivors of trauma and violence about what government and community supports they need to move from surviving to thriving in their lives. The session will include a...
Dec 16, 2020 | News and Views, Purple Ribbon Campaign
Roxanne Carter-Thompson and Debbie Langston prepare for Roxanne to tell her story. Roxanne Carter-Thompson is the Executive Director of the Adventure Group in Prince Edward Island, and she told her story of being a survivor of violence for the first time in public to...
Mar 1, 2019 | Advice to Government, News and Views, Now Available
Feedback on Workplace Harassment Regulations PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women March 1, 2019 Dear Mr. Miller, Thank you for accepting this feedback directly. It exceeds the 2,000-character limit on the online feedback form. As Executive Director of the PEI...