The 2023-2024 Purple Ribbon Campaign Against Violence theme speaks to the continuing challenge of ending violence. In recent years there has been a marked increase in gender-based violence being reported. Everyone, in every community in PEI, has a responsibility to prevent gender-based violence. It is only through communication, education, and accountability that healing for individuals, families, and communities can be achieved.
The purple ribbons are worn in honour and remembrance of the 14 women murdered in Montreal in 1989, and the 10 women murdered in PEI since 1989 by someone who knew them. We also wear purple ribbons as a call for justice for the tragic number of murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls in Canada. Thousands of ribbons are cut and pinned to information cards by volunteers, so that they can be distributed to individuals and organizations across the Island. We are especially appreciative of Women’s Institute members, who will pin most of the 10,000 ribbons to bookmarks in 2023. WI members are also key in distributing the ribbons to communities across PEI.
In addition to the purple ribbons and bookmarks, we have created purple ribbon badges (or buttons), two stickers, and a multilingual poster featuring the violence prevention message in 12 languages (historical and current usage in PEI). Slideshows and other materials developed for use by teachers and students, including the Teen Power & Control Wheel, are available on our website: https://peistatusofwomen.ca/purple-ribbon-campaign/resources-for-teachers/
All resources created in 2023 and in previous years are available in hard copy on request – we are happy to share the message of equality and violence prevention to individuals and communities across PEI.
Purple Ribbon Bookmark

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Charlottetown Library Learning Centre
Join the Advisory Council on the Status of Women and Carolyn MacFadyen, Vice-President of the PEI Federated Women’s Institutes, at our pinning bee to prepare ribbons for the Purple Ribbon Campaign Against Violence Against Women.
Volunteers cut thousands of ribbons, pin them to information cards, and distribute them to schools, individuals, and organizations across the Island.
Our work to heal the harms of gender-based violence begins here.
Purple ribbons are worn in honour and remembrance of the 14 women murdered in Montreal in 1989, and the 10 women murdered in PEI since 1989 by a man who knew them.
We also wear purple ribbons as a call for justice for the thousands of murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls in Canada.
Community Kitchen
Charlottetown Library Learning Centre
97 Queen Street, Charlottetown
TIME: Start at 6:30 and end by 8:00 p.m.
Anyone is welcome to drop in for all or part of the evening. Join us for coffee, tea, snacks, and good conversation!
For more information contact Michelle at [email protected] .
View our 2023 Pinning Bee Gallery below:
- Healing Gender-Based Violence Begins Here / Commençons ici à réparer les torts causés par la violence fondée sur le genre by Serena Smith (December 6, 2023)
Thank you to the 2023 contributors to the Purple Ribbon Campaign for generous assistance.
(Updates to this list will be added as confirmed)
- Premier’s Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention (PAC)
- City of Charlottetown
- Confederation Centre of the Arts (Venue Sponsor)
- Federated Women’s Institutes of PEI
- Kofoworola (Rola) Williams
- Volunteers and supporters across PEI
Memorial Service for Victims of Violence in Charlottetown – December 6, 2023
- Chairperson Serena Smith’s Commentary/Commentaire :
- “Healing Gender-Based Violence Begins Here / Commençons ici à réparer les torts causés par la violence fondée sur le genre” by Serena Smith (December 6, 2023)
- “Healing Gender-Based Violence Begins Here / Commençons ici à réparer les torts causés par la violence fondée sur le genre” by Serena Smith (December 6, 2023)
- Guest Speaker Nikkie Gallant’s Speech: “The Power of Words”
- Program: Memorial Service Program (PDF)
- Photo Gallery: December 6, 2023 Memorial Service Gallery
- Thank You Card – December 6, 2023
Gender-based violence not going away, says advocate, December 6, 2023, online, CBC PEI
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-montreal-massacre-violence-women-gender-1.7050568 - National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women memorial held in Charlottetown, December 6, 2023, online, The Guardian/Saltwire
https://www.saltwire.com/prince-edward-island/news/national-day-of-remembrance-and-action-on-violence-against-women-memorial-held-in-charlottetown-100918701/ - Video – Charlottetown Vigil Honours Victims of the Montreal Massacre, 2:08 minutes, The Guardian/Saltwire, December 6, 2023, online