PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women
Conseil consultatif sur la situation de la femme de l’Î.-P.-É.

Working for gender equality for all Islanders

Promoting changes of attitude within the Prince Edward Island community

Advising government to achieve equality in legislation, policies, and programs

The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women (PEIACSW) is an arm’s-length government-appointed Council. Nine Council members are selected from among Island women who have demonstrated a commitment to women’s equality and who represent regional, cultural, and ethnic diversity.

Travailler à l’atteinte de l’égalité des genres pour tous les Insulaires

Favoriser les changements d’attitude dans la communauté de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard

Conseiller le gouvernement pour établir l’égalité dans les lois, les politiques et les programmes

Le Conseil consultatif sur la situation de la femme de l’Î.-P.-É. (CCSFÎPÉ) est un conseil indépendant dont les membres sont nommés par le gouvernement. Le Conseil est composé de neuf membres sélectionnés parmi des femmes insulaires qui font preuve d’intérêt pour l’égalité de la femme et qui représentent la diversité régionale, culturelle et ethnique.

Recent news from PEI ACSW

Introducing Trish Altass, new Research Coordinator!

We are excited and delighted to be welcoming a new staffperson, to a new position at the Advisory Council. Trish Altass has been hired as permanent part-time Research Coordinator and we couldn’t be more thrilled with what she brings to staff and Council. Trish Altass...

2022-2023 PEI Status of Women Annual Report

We would like to share the work of the Advisory Council for 2022-2023. Our PEIACSW Annual Report is now available. Lots of photos of events and activities are included. Scroll through when you have a chance! Download as PDF: 2022-2023 Annual Report of the PEI Advisory...

We’re Hiring!

Research Coordinator – Permanent Part-Time Position   Are you passionate about promoting gender equality and women's empowerment? Do you have excellent research skills and a strong background in communicating information for public education? If so, we have an...