2021-2022 Purple Ribbon Campaign
The 2021-2022 Purple Ribbon Campaign theme is “Reimagining Safety: self * relationships * world.” As we continue to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage everyone to imagine what true safety for all people, of all genders, can look like. We urge Islanders to envision and work towards a world where equality is the norm and all beautiful diverse expressions are included and celebrated.
The purple ribbon bookmark has an image of the PRIDE Progress Flag incorporated in its design, signalling the need to appreciate and include all gender identities and expressions. The bookmark is pink this year, declaring our re-embracing of a much-maligned feminized colour! Wear your ribbon and use your bookmark with pride!
We encourage you to wear your purple ribbons and badges during the UN’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (November 25 to December 10, 2021) and keep them for PEI’s Family Violence Prevention Week (May 9-15, 2022).
The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women continues to make modifications and adaptations to ensure safety and comfort during COVID. We have returned to distributing purple ribbons and bookmarks, thanks to the incredible pinning efforts of Women’s Institutes across PEI. We have also chosen to distribute purple ribbon badges as we did in 2020, for those who want these in addition to the ribbons. And as in years’ past, we have created a multilingual poster in 11 languages (historical and common usage in PEI currently), as well as a Teen Power & Control Wheel that highlights healthy relationship behaviors. Posters are available by request from the ACSW office.
The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women asks allies and supporters to help distribute the purple ribbons and badges within their communities in support of reimagining relationships that are safe and free from gender-based violence. Distribution of resources begins after Remembrance Day. Please contact the Advisory Council to request ribbons & bookmarks, badges, and posters.
Thank you to the 2021 contributors to the Purple Ribbon Campaign for generous assistance.
(Updates to this list will be added as confirmed)
- Premier’s Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention (PAC)
- City of Charlottetown
- Confederation Centre of the Arts (Venue Sponsor)
- Federated Women’s Institutes of PEI
- Volunteers and supporters across PEI
- Thank you, in-person and livestream participants for your patience with our adapting this service to ensure inclusion and safety during COVID-19.

Montreal Massacre Memorial Service
For more information: https://peistatusofwomen.ca/2021/11/25/montreal-massacre-memorial-service/
December 6, 2021 Commentary / Commentaire by Chairperson Cathy Rose
The Guardian/Saltwire, Dec 6, 2021: CATHY ROSE: Reimagining safety as economic empowerment on Dec. 6 | SaltWire
Related Links
- Lettre ouverte de Nathalie Vendrys à l’occasion des commémorations de l’attentat de l”école Polytechnique du 6 décembre 1989 – Actions Femmes Î-.P.-É. website.
- Online Link: Guest Opinion: The events of Dec. 6, 1989, continue to influence the woman I am – The Guardian/Saltwire, Dec 5, 2021 by Nathalie Vendrys
- PDF – Guest Opinion: The events of Dec. 6, 1989, continue to influence the woman I am, The Guardian/Saltwire, Dec 5, 2021 by Nathalie Vendrys
- Remembering victims of gender-based violence, 32 years ago, 14 women were killed at École Polytechnique in Montreal. Today Islanders gathered in Charlottetown for an annual memorial, CBC PEI Video, Dec 6, 2021
- Montreal Massacre memorial in P.E.I. reimagines safety, December 6, 2021 Saltwire/The Guardian
- Summerside singer-songwriter says memorial for victims of violence against women hits close to home, December 6, 2021, Saltwire/The Guardian
Pinning Bee on November 10…
Thanks a million to the small but mighty group who pinned and sorted over 1,000 ribbons and bookmarks during the pinning bee Wednesday night. Women are so good at working together and getting the work that needs to be done, DONE!