Welcome to our Community Events and Notices E-News for Thursday, December 16, 2021

New listings this week:

1) PEI Status of Women Announces 2021 Bursary Winners
2) Sexualized Violence: Barriers to Desired Outcomes for Survivors
3) Deadline Approaching for Survivor Survey: Have Your Say.
4) Poverty Elimination Council
5) New rural transit routes and expanded service for Islanders
6) Canadian Breast Cancer Awareness Petition
7) PEIBWA Activities and Events
8) Upcoming Virtual Forum – Reinventing Our Campuses: Creating Real Community Safety to Address Sexual Violence
9) PEI Status of Women: In-Person Office Hours by Appointment

PLEASE NOTE: Events listed above may get postponed or possibly cancelled. Please always check with the events directly for updated information. Thank you.

The current and past issues of our Thursday E-News with upcoming community events and notices are available at the following links:



PLEASE NOTE: Some of the events listed below may be postponed or possibly cancelled. Please always check with events directly for updated information.

To view the e-newsletter with specific details about an event, click on the title link: