Welcome to our Community Events and Notices E-News for Thursday, June 23, 2022

New listings this week:

1) PEI Status of Women E-News Is Going On Vacation Soon
2) Today – Free Car Seat Check in Charlottetown
3) Women’s Legal Education & Action Fund (LEAF) Spring/Summer Newsletter
4) Online Survey Still Available For Input – Provincial Health Plan
5) Gaslighting in Intimate Relationships: A Form of Coercive Control You Need to Know More About
6) Running for Municipal Government: Some Tips and Tricks
7) UPEI Professional Development Summer and Fall 2022 Offerings
8) Canada Day Celebrations
9) 2022 Passport to Nature
10) River Clyde Pageant’s New Accessibility Action Plan
11) TD Summer Reading Club/Club de lecture d’été TD
12) PEIBWA Activities and Events
13) Equal Futures 2022: A Gender Equality Summit Resources
14) PEI Status of Women: In-Person Office Hours by Appointment

PLEASE NOTE: Events listed above may get postponed or possibly cancelled. Please always check with the events directly for updated information. Thank you.

The current and past issues of our Thursday E-News with upcoming community events and notices are available at the following links:



PLEASE NOTE: Some of the events listed below may be postponed or possibly cancelled. Please always check with events directly for updated information.

To view the e-newsletter with specific details about an event, click on the title link: