Welcome to our Community Events and Notices E-News for Thursday, October 12, 2023


New listings this week:

1) Three PEI Status of Women Bursaries Are Available – Deadline is Monday, October 16th
2) Pinning Bee – Purple Ribbon Campaign
3) Tomorrow – Take Back the Night March
4) Mom2Mom Sale – Fall 2023 is this Saturday
5) Songs of Sirens: This Saturday!
6) PEIBWA News and Activities
7) BRIDGES TO SAFETY online course: New session is coming on October 16
8) Webinar – The Early Origins of the #MeToo Movement: Black and Racialized Experiences on GBV
9) CLI Presentation – Wills, Power of Attorney, & Health Care Decisions
10) Job Opportunity – PEI Human Rights Commission
11) Better Transit Now! — Second Survey: Occasional and Non Transit User Survey
12) Giving Voice: A Public Forum on Migrant Justice
13) CLI Survey – Caregiver Feedback – Cyberbullying
14) Incubator Program for Women in PEI
15) Funding for Women and Indigenous Students at NSCC Nautical
16) Increased support to end violence against women
17) Join the Fight to End Renovictions, Once and For All
18) PEI Status of Women: Office Hours/ Condition féminine de l’Î.-P.-É : Heures d’ouverture

PLEASE NOTE: Events listed above may get postponed or possibly cancelled. Please always check with the events directly for updated information. Thank you.

The current and past issues of our Thursday E-News with upcoming community events and notices are available at the following links:



PLEASE NOTE: Some of the events listed below may be postponed or possibly cancelled. Please always check with events directly for updated information.

To view the e-newsletter with specific details about an event, click on the title link: