Mar 8, 2021 | Did You Know?, News and Views, Now Available
The International Women’s Day organizing committee brings advocacy and celebration online this year with a podcast series featuring five exceptional women and gender-diverse people sharing their perspectives and experiences of “choosing to...
Mar 8, 2021 | News and Views, Now Available
Les balados «Choisir de défier» sont maintenant disponible à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des femmes! Le cinquième épisode de cette série présente Michelle Arsenault, une «pure acadienne», fière de ses origines et de sa langue, une femme indépendante pour...
Feb 18, 2021 | Did You Know?, News and Views, Now Available
International Women’s Day “Choose to Challenge” The IWD organizing committee brings advocacy and celebration online this year with a podcast series! Five exceptional women and gender diverse people will share their perspectives and experiences of...