Mar 6, 2021 | Did You Know?, News and Views
Consider for a moment the women that you know. We may not have the obligatory cloak or requisite bodysuit worn by your archetypal superhero. We come in a myriad of colours, ages, abilities, and ethnicities. We are all different in shape and size, and our personalities...
Feb 18, 2021 | Did You Know?, News and Views, Now Available
International Women’s Day “Choose to Challenge” The IWD organizing committee brings advocacy and celebration online this year with a podcast series! Five exceptional women and gender diverse people will share their perspectives and experiences of...
Mar 7, 2020 | News and Views, Now Available
le français suit International Women’s Day gives women an opportunity to celebrate all that we are and all that we have achieved. It allows us to pause and reflect on the unique challenges that women face and how much work is left for us to do. For too long women have...
Feb 18, 2020 | News and Views, Now Available
Mark Your Calendars! Sunday, March 8th, 2020 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm Trinity United Church Hall 220 Richmond Street Charlottetown All are welcome to attend. on Sunday, March 8, 2020 the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women hosts their annual International...